Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Computer held for Ransom?

What is that latest virus threat?

Crypto Locker virus also known as Ransomware virus is a type of malware (malicious software) that criminals are installing on victim's computers. This malware will generate an "official-like"- pop-up window, webpage or email warning on the computer of it's victim.  This message displays that the computer has been locked due to possible illegal activities. The files are not accessible unless a ransom is met.

Here are a few steps to help you avoid ransomware:

  1. Keep all of the software on your computer up to date. 
  2. Keep your firewall on. 
  3. Do not open spam email messages or links from suspicious websites. 
  4. Make sure your anti-virus is up to date and computer is protected.
  5. Close the preview pane in your email software.

And remember, it's better to be safe than sorry!

Call Millennium Systems today to receive an evaluation of your network!
Phone 909-931-3171
Toll Free 855-9-MILSYS

n.pag. Web. 30 Oct 2013. <;.

Monday, July 22, 2013

by: Jennifer Smith

Creating an optimized web presence can seem like a daunting task for some and overwhelming for many.

You are starting a small business, or perhaps you have been in business for years.

If you have been in business there is a good possibility that you had a website created when you opened or maybe you never got around to having a site made.

And if you are just starting out, a web presence is a crucial tool for marketing your business.

Whether your small business is a service or product based business, having an optimized website is a necessity for a successful business today.

What is the definition of optimized?

optimized  past participle, past tense of op·ti·mize (Verb)

  1. Make the best or most effective use of (a situation, opportunity, or resource).
  2. Rearrange or rewrite (data) to improve efficiency of retrieval or processing.
Merriam - Webster -The Free Dictionary online

Optimizing your web presence means a few things:
Your site has...
  • user-friendly navigation
  • an inviting fresh appearance
  • a strong message about your business
  • relevant content for your target audience
  • updated content and imagery
  • social media icons and links to your social media networks

Where should I start? ...this seems overwhelming

Let's start with the basics.

1.  Your domain.
A domain is your website's address.
For example: 8 Trees Studio domain is

2. Your logo.
This is part of the branding for your company, the logo is the heart of the site and will appear on each of your website pages.

3. Your color scheme.
The color scheme is also part of the branding for your company. The color scheme can derive from the logo or add contrast to the site/logo.

4. Find a web designer/developer for your website creation.
If your site is for informational presence only, a web designer can usually handle the job. If creating an account for your audience is needed, inventory, and or e-commerce you will want a web developer.

5. Be ready to provide answers to the following questions for the web designer/developer:

  • Have you purchased your domain? See #1 above.
  • Do you have a hosting platform in place? 
  • Will you need e-commerce?
  • Will you need a database?
  • How many pages would you like the site to have?
    • For an "informational" web presence it is important to have a home page, an about page and perhaps an additional informational page or two depending on your industry. You will also want to add a contact form for your audience to contact your business. Testimonials are always good for both products and services. And images are key, as you know a picture is worth 1000 words.
  • Do you have images for an image gallery?
  • Would you like the designer/developer to provide images for your presence?
  • Do you have your small business on social networks? Which ones? Would you like to have your small business on social networks if you do not already? 
Whether you are writing the content for your site or you are leaving that to the designer/developer you will need to be prepared to answer the following:

  • Where did you get the idea to start this small business? 
  • What's the story behind the service or product?
  • What's your background?
  • What motivates you?
  • Who is your target audience?
  • Who are your competitors?
  • What type of message are you conveying to your audience?

Remember when working on optimizing your presence, to keep in mind products and sites that appeal to YOU as a consumer. 

Until next time, 

Millennium Systems offers website services powered by 8 Trees Studio. 8 Trees Studio is available for consultation and optimization needs. 

8 Trees is a web designer / development boutique available for small businesses looking to optimize their existing website or create a new web presence. 

Contact us today for a proposal!


graham, shawn. "How To Write Great About Us Content."Creative Combustion Blog. N.p., 10 04 2013. Web. 11 Jul. 2013. <>.
yola, 04 06 2013. Web. 11 Jul. 2013. <>.
N.p., n. d. Web. 11 Jul. 2013. <>.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Now included with your Office 365 subscription: Office Mobile for iPhone

Part of the Office 365 subscription now includes the new Office Mobile iPhone app. Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents can be accessed, viewed and edited from iPhone. 

Follow these steps:
  1. From the App Store, search for Office 365 subscribers
  2. Click 'install' Office Mobile for Office 365 
  3. Once installed, an orange screen will appear with 4-5 screens to swipe and preview the app  
  4. When prompted, log in with your Office 365 Username and Password

Not a current Office 365 subscriber?
Contact Mil-Sys today to find out more on how to become a subscriber!
Or visit our informative Office 365 page (from our website) that includes the benefits of being an Office 365 subscriber.  Click the Microsoft Logo to be redirected:

Thursday, June 20, 2013

What should I do with my old smartphone?

Do you have a smartphone collecting dust?

Here are a few ideas to repurpose or recycle your once frequently handled smartphone. 

Have you owned the most recent version of a smartphone that you cannot live without…Only to replace it with a new and improved model a year later…?

Once you have deactivated the phone plan, a smart phone can still be used with a wi-fi connection. Apps can still be added and used utilizing a wi-fi connection over a wireless network. 

1. Repurpose it

There are many repurpose uses for the smartphone. A dedicated music player, game player, dedicated GPS unit, camera, & video camera. 

2. Sell it

As long as the smartphone is not obsolete, selling it may be an option. Not everyone opts for the latest greatest toy, especially when parents are looking for an older smartphone for their children. There are some sites on the Web that will require sharing the proceeds with you on the sale. Or if you choose to take the work on yourself you may use eBay and Craigslist to sell the smartphone.

3. Trade it

Again as long as the smartphone is not obsolete, most phone providers will provide a monetary trade-in value for your older smartphone that can be applied to your new upgraded smartphone purchase. 

4. Recycle it

When disposing of your smartphone or older cell phone, please consult this website for the nearest solution to you. 

Do you have tips or suggestions? 
Let us know! 

Written by Jennifer Smith
Published in Mil-Sys Cloud

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Millennium Systems Releases their Updated Website with a Fresh Look and New Features

What are the latest features?

1. Mil-Sys Web Services Powered by 8 Trees Studio

Were you aware that Millennium Systems offers Web Services? 

Need your site updated/redesigned or don't have a web presence??? 
Contact us today for a free site evaluation. 

2. Mil-Sys is on Facebook 

3. Mil-Sys is on Twitter 

4. Our newsletter is back! If you had the opportunity to read "The Gazette" years ago, you are all ready aware of it's informative power! If you did not have the pleasure of receiving this notice, you will enjoy whats in store. 

This time it will be available on our website. You can subscribe to receiving it in email format as well, by providing your email address in the field toward the top of this page, titled 'Follow by Email'. 
The newsletter will now be known as 'Mil-Sys Cloud'.